Booking Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancellation Period:

Guests may cancel their booking up to 14 days before their scheduled check-in date without incurring any cancellation fees.

  1. Cancellation Fees:

For cancellations made between 7 and 14 days before the check-in date, a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the total booking cost will apply.

A cancellation fee equal to 100% of the total booking cost will apply for cancellations within seven days of the check-in date.

  1. Minimum Stay Requirement:

All bookings must have a minimum stay of 3 nights.

  1. No-Show Policy:

In case of a no-show (guest fails to arrive without prior cancellation), the total booking amount will be charged.

  1. Amendments and Modifications:

Guests may request changes to their reservation dates or property selection, subject to availability, at no additional charge up to 14 days before check-in.

  1. Force Majeure and Emergency Situations:

In the event of unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, extreme weather conditions, or government-imposed travel restrictions that prevent guests from staying at our properties, we will offer the option to reschedule the booking without any penalty, subject to availability.

  1. Refund Process:

Refunds for cancellations will be processed within 14 days of receiving the cancellation request.

This cancellation policy aims to be fair to guests while protecting our business by ensuring we have sufficient time to rebook canceled reservations. It provides flexibility for guests who may need to make changes due to unforeseen circumstances and outlines clear terms for cancellations and refunds.


Gracious Movement

Stay at a vacation home and enjoy amenities of a 5-star resort at a price affordable to you.

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Soufriere, St. Lucia

+1 758 720 0704

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Guests 1
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 17